1.One of India's most talented young writers exposes the dark side of prosperity in a powerful second novel.
2.The little moon exploded into rock and dust, and much of it landed on the dark side of the larger moon.
3.Little did Vos know that he was stepping into a dark chapter of his past, and a world stained by the ancient power of the dark side.
4.One by one, Katarn defeated them, though in his aggressive strikes, he came dangerously close to succumbing to the dark side of the Force.
5.Palpatine produced a lightsaber hidden in his sleeve and let the dark side of the Force flow through him.
6.Women exhibit the dark-side triad too, and can become accustomed to power and its perks as easily as a man can.
7.He told me to warn you, he's talkingabout the Dark side of the moon. - Then they killed him. - Wait a minute, you mentioned the moon?
8.However, Ben began to grow distant as Jacen veered toward the dark side.
9.Entrenched in the dark side, Vader marched to the temple with a column of loyal clone troopers, gutting the sacred edifice from within.
10.Luke would learn that Leia Organa was his sister, and he would also reclaim his father from the dark side.